February 15, 2025
5PM - Until
Steak n’ Shake
4429 Old Union Road
Tifton, GA 31794
Come on out to our Cruise-In!
ALL vehicles are welcome
Bring Yourself, Bring a friend, and don't forget your Automobile if you've got one.. We'd LOVE to see it!
Wow, what an awesome time! On to the next!
Our club's vision is to preserve the car hobby for future generations. Membership Interests include all brands of automobiles, trucks and motorcycles. We are an enthusiast car club, a group of people with no special interest to any one category. We enjoy getting together with some simple fellowship with other car enthusiasts to talk about the hobby.
You can see all our past annual show photos by clicking the link below.
Click the link below to go to our online application. Just fill out the required fields and submit. If digital isn't for you, there is also a printable form, just follow the mailing instructions on the form.
Here is a link to our membership application. Fill out the required fields and send your money to the address.
Have a question? Click the link below.